The Practice of Architecture helps individuals and firms identify opportunities for leadership & growth, building careers & practices that prosper in today’s changing world.


Practice Disrupted from Practice of Architecture

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The evolution of architectural practice has been relatively slow towards change, yet modern shifts in business and design management have prompted today’s leading architects to rethink how they work. On Practice Disrupted, Evelyn Lee, an angel investor, fractional-coo, and Founder of Practice of Architecture, sets out to illuminate the future of the profession to help architects remain relevant and valuable in a changing world. 

Together with her guests, they will explore how technology, cultural shifts, and emerging best practices are prompting firm owners to assess their business models and make adjustments in their studios. Each episode features an industry leader, and explores the new frontier of architectural practice.

I want to be on Practice Disrupted

Thanks for your interest in being on Practice Disrupted; we appreciate it. As the podcast has grown, we’re amazed by the interest in speakers who want to join the show.

We’re now at a point where we get a few requests weekly and are often working 1 to 2 seasons out, getting confirmation, and collaborating on what an episode could look like.

For us to track interested speakers and make sure no one falls through the cracks, we’ve set up a form to collect potential guest’s info.
