Why Your Firm Should Be More Social

For the design industry to remain relevant, communication through social media must be seriously considered in order to help the public understand the breadth of our service offerings and to establish a greater awareness of the value design brings to our clients.

Process Tells Our Story

Design is an ambiguous term for those outside of the profession, and it is usually carried out through a process. Why, then, do we not celebrate this process more?

Growing Firm Capital Through Investors

The entire pool of potential investors is not just comprised of venture capitalists. It includes really any individual with an interest in making an investment. Considering that, a firm has a tremendous opportunity to raise capital.

Building Existing Client Relationships

I believe that firms and designers do not commit enough resources to growing these types of relationships. As a result, we spin our wheels and expend time and effort on new client acquisition.

Tracking Internal Metrics for Greater Firm Prosperity

The most important advice I can offer firms looking to either institute a new system or change an existing internal system is to start by asking which metrics, beyond typical key performance indicators, are meaningful to your firm’s success.